-my band camp's place-
Wednesday, October 10 -the second day of the band camp-7:30am Wake up call
(I played the trumpet to wake up all campers. It was so much fun. Some people screamed "Shut up!!!")
8:30am breakfast
9:00am warm up in downstairs rehearsal hall
(we learned how to breath over watching the movie)
10:00am rehearsal
12:00pm lunch
After lunch, my friend, Karen and I went to the park and played there! How old are we?)
1:00pm rehearsal
3:00pm Woodwind Trio Concert (clarinet, oboe and fagotto)
3:30pm free time(I guess I had a nap again!)haha
students spent their time as they like.
5:30pm dinner
6:30pm ensemble rehearsal
(As I told, we were divided into some groups(according to the last name). Then, we got a easy music(ode to joy(
YOROKOBI NO UTA)). We practiced this song by using our instruments our bodies. We can perform as we like. Just we needed to use this music(ode to joy))
7:00pm Apocalyse Kow
(5 men sang songs. Everyone enjoyed listening to their songs! My friend said, "Oh my gosh. It was the best concert that I had ever seen!)
8:30pm Ensemble Concert!
I enjoyed watching every group's perform.
This group did the drama with ode to joy as a back ground music.
This group sang ode to joy with gestures. It was so fun!
About my group, we did the competition.
We started playing ode to joy, then when the audience said, "Fast", we needed to play faster.
Then, the person who did not miss can win!
We started playing then faster faster.... some people missed...
Oh my gosh! I won this game! I didn't miss at all.
Many candies were thrown by many students for me.
I didn't catch candies but I was surprised because I couldn't believe I won this competition.
Anyway, I won!!!
After this ensemble
concert, some boys who love playing the
guitars played ode to joy.
It was so good.
In this picture, the center boy played ode to joy and four boys whistled.
In this picture, three boys played ode to joy. It was also good!
A boy who is in centre is in my Jazz band.
He plays the guitar there, but his instrument in the band class is the sax.
9:30pm Bonfire ( we did "camp fire"!)
10:30pm snack
11:30pm light out(NO MORE NOISE!)
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