I will write about the first day of my wonderful band camp!
10:30am Gr.12 Band students load truck
(Grade10, grade11 and choral students took classes till period 2. I am in grade 11, but I am taking band30 too. So I helped loading truck. We carried about 200 students' luggage and sleeping bags, so I was a little tired)
11:40am All campers get their instruments and put them on the truck
12:15pm Load buses.
12:30pm Bus departs. Bag lunch on bus
1:45pm arrival at camp
(Actually, I guess we arrived there after 1:45am...)
And we carried luggage and sleeping bags to the lobby.
It took long time, so we were gonna our own rooms and have a break for one hour, but we couldn't.
As soon as we left our luggage to our own rooms, we had to set up rehearsal spaces.
3:00pm Set up of rehearsal spaces
(We had four rooms to play instruments or sing. For Gr.10, Gr.11. Gr.12 band and choral. We sat up chairs and music stands then)
3:30pm I joined "Symphonic band" practice.
4:30pm All campers meet in gym
Ice breaker activity hosted by Gr.12's
(We separated about 10 groups at random, then we played games to know each other.)
5:50pm supper
6:30pm announce of the formation of small ensembles and rehearsals
(Teacher divide some groups(According to last name). And we got a easy music. We had to perform in front of people by using this music the second day. Anything we like. I will tell you about that the next article)
7:30pm Don Berner Jazz Concert
(We listened to some Jazz music there)
8:45pm free time
(We could watch a movie, play at the pool and so on. I took a shower then and spent time with my friends(talking!))
10:00pm snack
10:45pm must be in our own room
11:45pm chaperons check
11:30pm lights out
I went to the bed on time. I guess.hahaha This was because my roommates and I were tired.
To be continued....